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Thread: dbrecordset

  1. #1
    Bart Guest


    I'm trying to use dbrecordset, and keep getting no output from aspdb. I can loop through the recordset and display my results in the same page. The recordset is opened from a parameter query that I wrote in MS SQL server. If I switch to opening the recordset with a select statement, then the aspdb object grid displays. Anyone have any experience with using the recordset property. Here is the code that I'm trying to get to work. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    set rec=server.createobject("adodb.recordset&#34
    set con=server.createobject("adodb.connection&#34
    set x = server.CreateObject("asp.db&#34 constr
    rec.Open "Exec qryTest @param='1',con,3,1,1
    do until rec.EOF
    Response.Write rec.Fields("scrapcode&#34
    x.dbRecordSet = rec
    x.dbUnit = 101
    x.dbGridInc =5
    x.dbmode = "Grid"

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    dbrecordset (reply)

    looks like you looped to the end of RS. try to goto the top and see.


    Bart at 2/18/2002 11:43:55 AM

    I'm trying to use dbrecordset, and keep getting no output from aspdb. I can loop through the recordset and display my results in the same page. The recordset is opened from a parameter query that I wrote in MS SQL server. If I switch to opening the recordset with a select statement, then the aspdb object grid displays. Anyone have any experience with using the recordset property. Here is the code that I'm trying to get to work. Any feedback would be appreciated.

    set rec=server.createobject("adodb.recordset&#34
    set con=server.createobject("adodb.connection&#34
    set x = server.CreateObject("asp.db&#34 constr
    rec.Open "Exec qryTest @param='1',con,3,1,1
    do until rec.EOF
    Response.Write rec.Fields("scrapcode&#34
    x.dbRecordSet = rec
    x.dbUnit = 101
    x.dbGridInc =5
    x.dbmode = "Grid"

  3. #3
    Bart Sgroi Guest

    dbrecordset (reply)

    Frank Kwong at 2/19/2002 1:37:08 AM

    looks like you looped to the end of RS. try to goto the top and see.

    The loop was added in after the fact to test my recordset. I have tried it without the loop and I still don't get any display


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