If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it!!

I'm receiving this error, Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error "80040e10", Parameter [Ticket] has no default value.

My code is passing an inserted number into an Access 2000 database query. The number is inserted through a form off the web page. The code follows,

Set objComm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command&#34

objComm.ActiveConnection = strConnect 'fill in the command properties
objComm.CommandText = "NumberQuery"
objComm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

' now the parameters (actually, there's only one parameter here)

Set objParam = _
objComm.CreateParameter("Required Ticket", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50)
objComm.Parameters.Append objParam

strTickNum = Request.Form("strTickNum&#34
objComm.Parameters("Required Ticket&#34 = strTickNum

Set objRS = objComm.Execute

Please email if you need any clarifications on what I'm doing. I just need help.

Thank you in advance.