On January first of some year, a fungus in a large
Petri dish has a radius of 1mm, and every day
afterward grows 2mm in radius. Between any two dates
in that year, how much does the area of the fungus

Write a script named fungus_script_ssss_nnnnnn.sql
(where ssss is your CS65 section number and nnnnnn is
your student ID).

(1) The script first drops, then creates a stored
procedure named fungus_procedure_ssss_nnnnnn (with two
input parameters and one output parameter):

input: date_begin entered as a string in format
input: date_end in the same format and for the
same year as date_begin.
output: area_change (which is the change in area of
the mold, the difference in the two areas of the
circular mold on the two dates). The two areas must
be found from the table, then the smaller (or same)
area for the earlier (or same date) subtracted from
the area for the second date.

(2) creates a table named fungus_table_ssss_nnnnnn
with columns named
A_Month, A_Day, A_Radius, and An_Area.

(3) enters records into the table by using loops,
A_Month: is the month of the year, spelled out fully
in capital letters, beginning with JANUARY and ending
A_Day: is the day of the month, beginning with 1 and
ending with the last day of the month (28, 29, 30, or
31 depending on the month). Leap years are based on
the Gregorian calendar (not Julian). The number of
days in February depends on the year YYYY
A_Radius: is the radius of mold growing in a big
Petri dish, beginning with radius 1 millimeter on
January 1 with radius increasing by 2 millimeters per
day. For example, on January 2, the radius is 3 mm;
on January 3, the radius is 5 mm, etc.
An_Area: is the area of the mold, pr2 where p =
3.1415926 and r is the radius of the mold on that day.

(4) In your script, following that stored procedure,
write an anonymous PL/SQL program that
(a) calls the procedure with actual dates entered as
(b) outputs to the screen your name, student ID, CS65
section number, the two input dates, and the
area_change of the fungus.

Use many concise comments in your coding. Debug,
execute, and print your script. Copy your script
CS65_3_ssss_nnnnnn.sql to the folder on Server Zeus
named CS65 Project 3 Section sssss. If you must drop
a 2nd version of your script, name it
CS65_3_ssss_nnnnnnB.sql Please backup your files.
Correct file names and comments will be graded, along
with your code.

Thanks Regards