What sql command can I use to remove the headers from output?

I'm writing a query which creates a script that I then want to be able to run, but can't get rid of the headers.

eg. my query is similar to this:
USE master
set nocount on
select 'restore database @dbname = N' + "'" + db_name() + "'" + ','
select '@filename' +convert(varchar(5),fileid)+ ' = N'+convert(varchar(50),filename)+',' from sysfiles

The output is similar this:
restore database @dbname = N'master',

@filename1 = Nd:sysdataSQL2000MSSQL${instancename}datamaster.md f,
@filename2 = Nd:sysdataSQL2000MSSQL${instancename}datamastlog.l d,

I want to get rid of all the '-------' and lines between the output.

Can anyone help please?