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Thread: filtering a resultset in a stored procedure

  1. #1
    Michael Stettner Guest

    filtering a resultset in a stored procedure


    i am a newbie in stored procedure programming and i am interested performing a task with a stored procedure which is either impossible or so simple that i cannot find information about it anywhere.
    (Thats the reason why i post this)

    My aim:

    I would like to execute a select statement in a stored procedure
    and filter the result set (inside the stored procedure) before i give it back
    to the client application (VB client executing the stored procedure)


    In our databases we have a region field (varchar(2)) which conatins the region code (e.g. 'DE', 'US', ...) and as special value there may be a '*'
    which means 'all regions'

    Buisness rule says: If there is an entry with a concrete region take this one otherwise take the '*'


    Stored procedure performs the select , orders by region so that * is behind
    other region codes
    if special region entry is found delete * entry from the result set

    Is this possible ?

    Happy about any hint


  2. #2
    Marc Kozlowski Guest

    filtering a resultset in a stored procedure (reply)

    Michael Stettner at 2/28/01 8:34:18 AM


    i am a newbie in stored procedure programming and i am interested performing a task with a stored procedure which is either impossible or so simple that i cannot find information about it anywhere.
    (Thats the reason why i post this)

    My aim:

    I would like to execute a select statement in a stored procedure
    and filter the result set (inside the stored procedure) before i give it back
    to the client application (VB client executing the stored procedure)


    In our databases we have a region field (varchar(2)) which conatins the region code (e.g. 'DE', 'US', ...) and as special value there may be a '*'
    which means 'all regions'

    Buisness rule says: If there is an entry with a concrete region take this one otherwise take the '*'


    Stored procedure performs the select , orders by region so that * is behind
    other region codes
    if special region entry is found delete * entry from the result set

    Is this possible ?

    Happy about any hint


    Hi Michael

    You are probably going to want to use a two-parse stored procedure for this. I could do with seeing the stored procedure as it is now, plus the field details from the table(s) involved, including what is required in the results recordset.

    If you would like me to help, please send these to


    Marc Kozlowski

  3. #3

    filtering a resultset in a stored procedure (reply)

    Great help from Marc

    Here is the result of it. (example code)

    Thank you very much

    @p_region VARCHAR(3)

    DECLARE @PubId int
    DECLARE @NodeId int
    DECLARE @Region VARCHAR(2)
    DECLARE @Language VARCHAR(3)
    DECLARE @Value VARCHAR(255)


    -- create the temp table
    CREATE TABLE #tblResult (
    PubId INT ,
    NodeId INT ,
    Region VARCHAR(2),
    Language VARCHAR(3),
    Value VARCHAR(255)

    --- populate temp table
    INSERT INTO #tblResult
    SELECT PubId, NodeId, Region, Language, Value
    FROM tblTest
    WHERE Region = @p_Region or Region = '*'
    order by Region

    DECLARE list_values CURSOR FOR
    SELECT PubId, NodeId, Region, Language, Value FROM #tblResult order by NodeId

    OPEN list_values

    --- Get the first
    FETCH list_values INTO @PubId, @NodeId, @Region, @Language, @Value

    --- Process this region then loop through the remaining regions
    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
    -- falls konkrete Region da dann weg mit dem *
    if @region = @p_Region
    PRINT 'Deleting' --+ ' ' + @Nodeid + ' ' + @Region + ' ' + @Language + ' ' + @Value
    delete from #tblResult where nodeid = @nodeid and region = '*' and language = @Language

    FETCH NEXT FROM list_values INTO @PubId, @NodeId, @Region, @Language, @Value

    CLOSE list_values

    OPEN list_values

    --- Get the first
    FETCH list_values INTO @PubId, @NodeId, @Region, @Language, @Value

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
    PRINT @NodeId
    PRINT @Region
    PRINT @Language
    PRINT '===========================================&# 39;
    FETCH NEXT FROM list_values INTO @PubId, @NodeId, @Region, @Language, @Value

    CLOSE list_values

    DEALLOCATE list_values
    DROP TABLE #tblResult

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTest] (
    [PubId] [int] NULL ,
    [NodeId] [int] NULL ,
    [Region] [varchar] (3) NULL ,
    [Value] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
    [Language] [varchar] (3) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    1,1000002,"DE ","spezial: Automatisierungssysteme","deu"
    1,1000005,"*","Installationstechnik&#3 4;,"deu"
    1,1000007,"*","... und was Sie sonst noch brauchen","deu"
    1,1000010,"*","Allgemeine Bedingungen","deu"
    1,1000011,"*","Erläuterungen zu den Allgemeinen Bedingungen","deu"
    1,1000012,"*","Softwarenutzung",&# 34;deu"
    1,1000013,"*","Einfache Lizenz","deu"
    1,1000014,"*","Kopierlizenz"," deu"
    1,1000015,"*","Sicherungskopie",&# 34;deu"
    1,1000016,"*","Netzwerknutzung",&# 34;deu"
    1,1000017,"*","Lizenzierung"," deu"
    1,1000018,"*","Lizenzvertrag",&#34 ;deu"
    1,1000019,"*","Softwareweitergabe" ,"deu"
    1,1000020,"*","Upgrade/Service Packs","deu"
    1,1000000,"*","Interaktiver Katalog Siemens A&D","deu"
    1,1000003,"*","Antriebstechnik",&# 34;deu"
    1,1000002,"*","Automatisierungssysteme ","deu"
    1,1000002,"*","Automation Systems","eng"
    1,1000003,"DE","spezial: Antriebstechnik","deu"

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