i havent been using access for very long and was wondering if anyone could help with this page.

I have created a form and the database, but now need help with the actual on submit place the info into the relevant profile table in access.

see below: (i know this would be simple for most developers but understand that i have only been at asp for a month and a half)
any help would be appreciated.....

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

DIM strConnectionString

&#39;Define the OLE DB connection string.
strConnectionString = &#34;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:databasemovieDB.mdb&#34;
&#39;Instantiate the Connection object and open a database connection.
SET CONN = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ADODB.Connection&#34
SET RSmovieDB = server.CreateObject(&#34;ADODB.recordset&#34
CONN.Open strConnectionString &#39;= &#34;DSN=movieDB&#34;
&#39;CONN.Open &#34;DBQ=C:databasemovieDB.mdb;DRIVER={MS Access (movieDB.mdb)}&#34;

&#39;Define SQL SELECT statement.
strSQL = &#34;Select * from details&#34;
If Request(&#34;Action&#34 = &#34;VALIDATE&#34; then
strName = Request(&#34;txtName&#34

Response.Write &#34;[&#34; & txtName & &#34;]&#34;

&#39;Use the Execute method to issue a SQL query to database.
RSmovieDB.Open strSQL,cnn

strSql = &#34;Insert into details (Name , Surname , e-mail , contact no ) Values (&#39;txtName&#39;,&#39;txtSurname&#39;,&#39;txtCo ntact No&#39;,&#39;txtE-Mail&#39&#34;
CONN.Execute strSQL

&#39;close everything
end if

set rsmovieDB = nothing
set CONN = nothing

<META NAME=&#34;GENERATOR&#34; Content=&#34;Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0&#34;>
<BODY background=images/cssq1.jpg>

<DIV align=center>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=center>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=center>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=center>&nbsp;</DIV>
<H3 align=center><FONT color=darkblue><U>PLEASE COMPLETE THE
<DIV align=center style=&#34;BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: green; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: greenyellow; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: green; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: greenyellow&#34; >
<FORM id=form1 name=form1 Method=&#34;post&#34; action=&#34;movie-db.asp&#34;>
<INPUT type=&#34;hidden&#34; id=Action name=Action value=&#34;VALIDATE&#34;>

<TABLE id=TABLE1 border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width=&#34;75%&#34; style=&#34;HEIGHT: 119px; WIDTH: 272px&#34;>

<TD><STRONG><FONT face=Arial size=2>Name :</FONT></STRONG></TD>
<INPUT id=txtName name=txtName style=&#34;HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 2px; WIDTH: 181px&#34;
<TD><STRONG><FONT face=Arial size=2>Surname :</FONT></STRONG></TD>
<INPUT id=txtSurname name=txtSurname style=&#34;HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 2px; WIDTH: 181px&#34;
<TD><STRONG><FONT face=Arial size=2>Contact No :</FONT></STRONG></TD>
<INPUT id=&#34;txtContact No&#34; name=&#34;txtContact No&#34; style=&#34;HEIGHT: 22px; WIDTH: 181px&#34;>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>E-Mail :</STRONG></FONT></P></TD>
<INPUT id=txtE-Mail name=txtE-Mail style=&#34;HEIGHT: 22px; LEFT: 1px; TOP: 2px; WIDTH: 181px&#34;
<P align=right>
<INPUT id=submit1 name=submit1 type=&#34;submit&#34; value=&#34;Submit&#34; style=&#34;BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkcyan; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: darkblue; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: outset; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: darkcyan; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: outset; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: darkblue; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: outset; BORDER-TOP: darkcyan thin outset; HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 55px&#34;>
<INPUT type=&#34;reset&#34; value=&#34;Clear Fields&#34; id=reset2 name=reset2 style=&#34;BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkcyan; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: darkblue; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: darkcyan; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: darkblue; BORDER-TOP-COLOR: darkcyan; HEIGHT: 24px; WIDTH: 83px&#34;>