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Thread: Case Sensitive

  1. #1
    Yamit Guest

    Case Sensitive

    In SQL Server the case sensitivity of the data is not handled while making comaprisons or for that matter in Distinct clause also Is SQL Server case insensitive or is there some property to make it case sensitive please let me know

  2. #2
    Carl Spackler Guest

    Case Sensitive (reply)

    Case sensitivity for the entire server is defined by the SORT ORDER chosen during setup of the server. There is a binary sort order that is case sensitive.

    Yamit at 3/5/01 1:37:26 AM

    In SQL Server the case sensitivity of the data is not handled while making comaprisons or for that matter in Distinct clause also Is SQL Server case insensitive or is there some property to make it case sensitive please let me know

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