I have developed an application initialy with backend database Sql Server 6.5
and Visual Basic (Using remode dataobjects). After using 6 months I have
upgraded Sql 6.5 to Sql 7. After that I have started facing problems.
It is an Oltp application. Whenever I am Updating products from client's
application particularly in some records the workstation get hangs. It it
not giving any error messages. Simply the workstation get hangs. Then I have
to restart the workstation(otherwise fatal error comes). I tried in somany
workstation's everywhere I am facing the probles.
My Rdoconnecton is 'g_db'
sql update command is "g_db.execute "Update Productdetail set
Qtyonhand=QtyonHand-2 Where cmpycode='11'
and Loccode='02' and Itemcode='NDF951'
Whenever I execute this command from workstation system hangs.

Then I have Installed all service pack. After that for the last one year, I have not faced any problems.
Recently again started giving the same problems.
I am Begintrans and CommitTrans in between upation
I have converted update statement into storedprocedure, still I am facing the
same problems. This Problem I am facing only in one customer site.
The same application is running in so many other customer's site also, there
I am not facing any problems. This problems is very serious, because the customer is fullly dependent on Software(it is fully online). If it hangs It will affects his business.

I have created Database maintenmance Plan also(for truncating log and reindexing index's etc). Still I am facing problems. Temperaly What I have done is I have moved the Update statement into After CommitTrans. Then It was
not hanging. It it not bacause of Deadlock, that also I have tested. I told all users to log out of the system, then also I have tried. Still the same problems. (This is happening in particular Itemcodes only)

Please try to help me, Otherwise I have to change to Backend database.
The customer is also loosing confidence in Sql.

Expecting an early reply

Thank you
