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Thread: Unicode problems

  1. #1
    Leon Kwan Guest

    Unicode problems

    Hello all expert,

    I would like to ask something about unicode datatype.
    May be I should start from what I am doing now for the non-unicode data.
    Now I have a table:

    id int
    keyword char(100)

    In my existing SQL statement, one of them is used to search the records
    which the keywords contains a input value, say "C++".
    i.e. select * from test where upper(keyword) like upper('%sql%&#39
    therefor all those records with keyword contains no matter "sql" or "SQL"
    or "Sql" will be selected.
    However if I want to apply chinese language in our database, I found that
    this SQL statement will be no longer correct, because there exists some
    chinese characters that the uppercase of them will becomes another word.
    e.g. Â*»´ä, the upper case will becomes Â*»´Ä. This will search more unwanted
    records as well.
    so is there any workaround to due with this such that I can still maintain
    the english matching feature?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Unicode problems (reply)

    On 1/25/99 6:30:20 AM, Leon Kwan wrote:
    Hello all expert,

    I would like to ask something about unicode datatype.
    May be I should start from what I am doing now for the non-unicode data.
    Now I have a table:

    id int
    keyword char(100)

    In my existing SQL statement, one of them is used to search the records
    which the keywords contains a input value, say &#34;sql&#34;. <== should be &#34;sql&#34;
    i.e. select * from test where upper(keyword) like upper(&#39;%sql%&#39
    therefor all those records with keyword contains no matter &#34;sql&#34; or &#34;SQL&#34;
    or &#34;Sql&#34; will be selected.
    However if I want to apply chinese language in our database, I found that
    this SQL statement will be no longer correct, because there exists some
    chinese characters that the uppercase of them will becomes another word.
    e.g. Â*»´ä, the upper case will becomes Â*»´Ä. This will search more unwanted
    records as well.
    so is there any workaround to due with this such that I can still maintain
    the english matching feature?

    Thanks in advance.

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