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Thread: identity fields as primary key in Server 7.0

  1. #1
    Brian White Guest

    identity fields as primary key in Server 7.0

    Most of the tables in my database are implemented with IDENTITY columns as the primary key.
    When an INSERT from my application is attempted, sometimes I get an error returned stating that insert
    cannot be done because of duplicate key value. If I try the INSERT again, sometimes it works(??). Of course,
    DBCC CHECKIDENT resets the identity value if trying the INSERT again doesn't work. Then sometime a little later, the problem happens again.
    Is there anything I can do other than placing into my application code the execution of dbcc checkident
    anytime I want to do an insert to prevent the error? By the way, DBCC CHECKDB revealed no problems.


  2. #2
    Brian J. Smith Guest

    identity fields as primary key in Server 7.0 (reply)

    Are there any indexes on these tables that prevent duplicate values? The duplicates might not be caused by the identity, but indexes with "no duplicates" checked.

    Brian White at 5/13/99 3:33:55 PM

    Most of the tables in my database are implemented with IDENTITY columns as the primary key.
    When an INSERT from my application is attempted, sometimes I get an error returned stating that insert
    cannot be done because of duplicate key value. If I try the INSERT again, sometimes it works(??). Of course,
    DBCC CHECKIDENT resets the identity value if trying the INSERT again doesn't work. Then sometime a little later, the problem happens again.
    Is there anything I can do other than placing into my application code the execution of dbcc checkident
    anytime I want to do an insert to prevent the error? By the way, DBCC CHECKDB revealed no problems.


  3. #3
    Brian White Guest

    identity fields as primary key in Server 7.0 (reply)

    No, the only unique index is the primary key.

    Brian J. Smith at 5/13/99 6:10:00 PM

    Are there any indexes on these tables that prevent duplicate values? The duplicates might not be caused by the identity, but indexes with "no duplicates" checked.

    Brian White at 5/13/99 3:33:55 PM

    Most of the tables in my database are implemented with IDENTITY columns as the primary key.
    When an INSERT from my application is attempted, sometimes I get an error returned stating that insert
    cannot be done because of duplicate key value. If I try the INSERT again, sometimes it works(??). Of course,
    DBCC CHECKIDENT resets the identity value if trying the INSERT again doesn't work. Then sometime a little later, the problem happens again.
    Is there anything I can do other than placing into my application code the execution of dbcc checkident
    anytime I want to do an insert to prevent the error? By the way, DBCC CHECKDB revealed no problems.


  4. #4
    Barb Dornbrook Guest

    identity fields as primary key in Server 7.0 (reply)

    Brian we also use identity columns as primary keys and experienced the same problem. I run the following stored procedure in start
    up and have not had any problems since. Use the sp_procoption to put this in startup. You will then need to stop and start your

    /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.Check_Identity_Columns Script Date: 3/13/99 7:26:38 PM ******/
    create procedure Check_Identity_Columns
    declare @db varchar(30),
    @tbl varchar(30),
    @sql varchar(255),
    @show varchar(255)

    declare curDB insensitive cursor
    for select name from sysdatabases
    for read only

    open curDB
    fetch next from curDB into @db
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    execute("declare curTBL insensitive cursor for select from "+@db+"..sysobjects so join "+@db+"..syscolumns sc on = where sc.status = 0x80 for read only&#34
    open curTBL
    fetch next from curTBL into @tbl
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    select @sql = "use "+@db+char(10)+"dbcc checkident("+@tbl+&#34 WITH NO_INFOMSGS"
    select @show = "Checking Identity Column for Table: "+@db+".."+@tbl+char(10)+replicate(&#3 4;-",70)
    print @show
    fetch next from curTBL into @tbl
    close curTBL
    deallocate curTBL
    fetch next from curDB into @db
    close curDB
    deallocate curDB
    exec sp_procoption N'Check_Identity_Columns'

    Brian White at 5/13/99 3:33:55 PM

    Most of the tables in my database are implemented with IDENTITY columns as the primary key.
    When an INSERT from my application is attempted, sometimes I get an error returned stating that insert
    cannot be done because of duplicate key value. If I try the INSERT again, sometimes it works(??). Of course,
    DBCC CHECKIDENT resets the identity value if trying the INSERT again doesn't work. Then sometime a little later, the problem happens again.
    Is there anything I can do other than placing into my application code the execution of dbcc checkident
    anytime I want to do an insert to prevent the error? By the way, DBCC CHECKDB revealed no problems.


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