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Thread: looping through a recordset in a SP

  1. #1
    Michael Imhoff Guest

    looping through a recordset in a SP

    What I have to do is loop through a table with about 900 records, do computations on each record and update a database, can someone help me out.

    here is the code that I am using right now on another site with coldfusion but i want to convert it all to a stored proc for speed reasons.

    <!--- Query the Stores Table --->
    <cfquery name=&#34;Zip2&#34; datasource=&#34;; username=&#34;#application.username#&#34; password=&#34;#application.password#&#34;>
    exec Stores_GetStoreZipInfo

    <!--- Loop through the STORE table --->
    <cfloop query=&#34;zip2&#34;>
    <cfset Lat1 =>
    <cfset Lg1 = #zip1.long#>
    <cfset Lat2 =>
    <cfset Lg2 = #zip2.long#>

    <!--- Do the actual distance calculation between the user&#39;s zipcode each store&#39;s zipcode --->

    <cfset DistLat = 69.1 * (Lat2-Lat1)>
    <cfset DistLong = 69.1 * (Lg2-Lg1) * #cos(Lat1 / 57.3)#>
    <cfset Dist = ((#abs(DistLat)# * 2) + (#abs(DistLong)# * 2)) * 0.5>

    <!--- Update the DISTANCE field on STORE table --->
    <cfquery name=&#34;UpdateZips&#34; datasource=&#34;; username=&#34;#application.username#&#34; password=&#34;#application.password#&#34;>
    exec Stores_UpdateZipSeachInfo &#39;#Dist#&#39;, &#39;#zip2.zipcode#&#39;

  2. #2
    Brian Knight Guest

    looping through a recordset in a SP (reply)


    You&#39;ll want to do record level looping via a cursor. If you want an example of this try downloading . If you need help above this, please email me.


    Michael Imhoff at 8/31/99 12:49:50 AM

    What I have to do is loop through a table with about 900 records, do computations on each record and update a database, can someone help me out.

    here is the code that I am using right now on another site with coldfusion but i want to convert it all to a stored proc for speed reasons.

    <!--- Query the Stores Table --->
    <cfquery name=&#34;Zip2&#34; datasource=&#34;; username=&#34;#application.username#&#34; password=&#34;#application.password#&#34;>
    exec Stores_GetStoreZipInfo

    <!--- Loop through the STORE table --->
    <cfloop query=&#34;zip2&#34;>
    <cfset Lat1 =>
    <cfset Lg1 = #zip1.long#>
    <cfset Lat2 =>
    <cfset Lg2 = #zip2.long#>

    <!--- Do the actual distance calculation between the user&#39;s zipcode each store&#39;s zipcode --->

    <cfset DistLat = 69.1 * (Lat2-Lat1)>
    <cfset DistLong = 69.1 * (Lg2-Lg1) * #cos(Lat1 / 57.3)#>
    <cfset Dist = ((#abs(DistLat)# * 2) + (#abs(DistLong)# * 2)) * 0.5>

    <!--- Update the DISTANCE field on STORE table --->
    <cfquery name=&#34;UpdateZips&#34; datasource=&#34;; username=&#34;#application.username#&#34; password=&#34;#application.password#&#34;>
    exec Stores_UpdateZipSeachInfo &#39;#Dist#&#39;, &#39;#zip2.zipcode#&#39;

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