If you use Brio Query against a SQL Server database, please read below.

We are using the query tool Brio Query to access data in our SQL Server 7.0 Data Warehouse. While testing the new version of Brio (6.0), we ran into a bug where a money field that contained a negative value would be returned as a value over $400,000 in Brio's results. As you could imagine, this could greatly scew any data analysis that you try to do with the data. This bug only showed up when we used an OLE DB connection.

After spending quite a bit of time with Brio's terrible tech support (we finally had to contact the Western Regional Directory to get timely responses), they agreed it was a bug, and it had not yet been reported. They promptly fixed it, and it will be correct in the next version of Brio, due by the end of the year. Because of the implications this could have on organizations running reports using Brio Query, I asked if they planned on notifying their customers of the bug. They stated they had no plans to publish the bug, and reiterated that it would be corrected by end of the year.

If you are using Brio Query against a SQL Server 7.0 database using an OLE DB connection, please check how it handles a negative value in a money field. I am interested in finding out how many people this has affected.