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Thread: MS-SQL and Arcserve SQL agent

  1. #1
    George McGee Guest

    MS-SQL and Arcserve SQL agent

    I need help with restoring a database. I have MS-SQL 6.5
    and ArcserveIT 6.61. When I restore the database, everything restores fine
    according to the arcserve software. but when I run SQL manager
    the database is marked as loading. Any one ever run
    across this situation before?

  2. #2
    No 3rd party Guest

    MS-SQL and Arcserve SQL agent (reply)

    Contact Arcserve. This is why I never use 3rd party tools to backup the database. Have fun.

    George McGee at 6/28/00 12:31:33 PM

    I need help with restoring a database. I have MS-SQL 6.5
    and ArcserveIT 6.61. When I restore the database, everything restores fine
    according to the arcserve software. but when I run SQL manager
    the database is marked as loading. Any one ever run
    across this situation before?

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