
I am doing a website that incorporates SQL and one of the things is which user to query for. In this part, I would like to put the variable 'AllUsers' which consists of all the users, do you have any suggestions on how this can be done, here is what I have without a query for 'AllUsers' in HTML:

<SELECT NAME=&#34;targetUserID&#34;>
<OPTION VALUE=&#34;AllUsers&#34;>All Users</OPTION>
<!-- =queryString &#34;select distinct rtrim(userID) from
Track..cUsers order by userID&#34; -->
<!-- ?{sqlBlock $queryString crux 2000 0 -1 errorString tmpuserID -->
<OPTION VALUE= &#34;<!-- $ $tmpuserID -->&#34;
<!-- ({ $tmpuserID == $targetUserID --> SELECTED<!-- (} -->>
<!-- $ $tmpuserID --></OPTION>
<!-- ?}sqlBlock -->

Here is what I thought would work, but it didn&#39;t:

<SELECT NAME=&#34;targetUserID&#34;>
<!-- =queryString &#34;declare @AllUsers varchar(16) select @AllUsers = userID from Track..cUsers&#34; -->
<!-- ?{sqlBlock $queryString crux 2000 0 -1 errorString AllUsers -->
<OPTION VALUE=&#34;AllUsers&#34;>All Users</OPTION>
<!-- ?}sqlBlock -->

<!-- =queryString &#34;select distinct rtrim(userID) from
Track..cUsers order by userID&#34; -->
<!-- ?{sqlBlock $queryString crux 2000 0 -1 errorString tmpuserID -->
<OPTION VALUE= &#34;<!-- $ $tmpuserID -->&#34;
<!-- ({ $tmpuserID == $targetUserID --> SELECTED<!-- (} -->>
<!-- $ $tmpuserID --></OPTION>
<!-- ?}sqlBlock -->

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you for your time.

Nathan Czuba