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Thread: Query Help

  1. #1
    Sammy Guest

    Query Help


    I need help with writing a query to group the following data:

    Name Fruit
    ----------- ---------
    John Smith Apples
    John Smith Oranges
    John Smith Bananas
    Mike Jones Apples
    Mike Jones Kiwi
    Mike Jones Grapes
    Mike Jones Pears

    I need it to look like this:

    Name Fruit
    ----------- ---------
    John Smith Apples, Oranges, Bananas
    Mike Jones Apples, Kiwi, Grapes, Pears

    Can someone please help me with this?

    Thanks so much!
    - Sammy

  2. #2
    tim wilkinson Guest

    Query Help (reply)

    This is how i'd probably do it - i'm not sure how fast it would be for bigger tables, though... Also unless you use SQL 7 you can't have a string of more than 255 chars.

    /************************************************** ***********
    This bit stops it from repeatedly printing '1 row(s) affected'
    ************************************************** ***********/

    set nocount on

    This bit is just to set up the sample table

    if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'name_to_fruit' and type = 'u&#39
    drop table name_to_fruit

    create table name_to_fruit(name varchar(10), fruit varchar(10))
    insert name_to_fruit values('John Smith', 'Apples&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('John Smith', 'Oranges&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('John Smith', 'Bananas&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('Mike Jones', 'Apples&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('Mike Jones', 'Kiwi&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('Mike Jones', 'Grapes&#39
    insert name_to_fruit values('Mike Jones', 'Pears&#39
    declare @letter int
    select @letter = 32
    while @letter < 97
    insert name_to_fruit values(&#39;Mike Jones&#39;, char(@letter))
    select @letter = @letter +1

    /************************************************** *************
    This bit drops the temp table if it already exists.
    I prefer to do this rather than drop it at the end of the batch
    - that way you can have a look in it if anything goes wrong.
    ************************************************** *************/

    if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = &#39;name_to_all_fruit&#39; and type = &#39;u&#39
    drop table name_to_all_fruit

    /************************************************** ****************
    This bit cursors through the names and their fruit (nested cursor),
    gets the results and puts &#39;em in a temp. table.
    ************************************************** ****************/

    create table name_to_all_fruit(name varchar(10), allfruit varchar(255))
    declare @name varchar(10), @fruit varchar(10), @allfruit varchar(255), @fetchname int, @fetchfruit int
    declare name_cr cursor for
    select distinct name
    from name_to_fruit
    open name_cr
    fetch name_cr into @name
    select @fetchname = @@fetch_status
    while @fetchname = 0
    declare fruit_cr cursor for --try not redeclaring
    select distinct fruit
    from name_to_fruit
    where name = @name
    open fruit_cr
    fetch fruit_cr into @fruit
    select @fetchfruit = @@fetch_status
    while @fetchfruit = 0
    select @allfruit = @allfruit + &#39;, &#39; + @fruit
    fetch fruit_cr into @fruit
    select @fetchfruit = @@fetch_status
    close fruit_cr
    deallocate fruit_cr
    if len(@allfruit) > 2
    select @allfruit = substring(@allfruit,3,len(@allfruit)-2)
    insert name_to_all_fruit values(@name, @allfruit)
    select @allfruit = null
    fetch name_cr into @name
    select @fetchname = @@fetch_status
    close name_cr
    deallocate name_cr

    This bit displays your results.

    select * from name_to_fruit
    select * from name_to_all_fruit

    set nocount off

    Sammy at 6/30/00 6:10:34 PM


    I need help with writing a query to group the following data:

    Name Fruit
    ----------- ---------
    John Smith Apples
    John Smith Oranges
    John Smith Bananas
    Mike Jones Apples
    Mike Jones Kiwi
    Mike Jones Grapes
    Mike Jones Pears

    I need it to look like this:

    Name Fruit
    ----------- ---------
    John Smith Apples, Oranges, Bananas
    Mike Jones Apples, Kiwi, Grapes, Pears

    Can someone please help me with this?

    Thanks so much!
    - Sammy

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