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Thread: Stored Procedure from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0

  1. #1
    John Bernbrock Guest

    Stored Procedure from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0

    We recently upgraded from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0. I attended classes
    and we all prepared a lot, and everything went smoothly.

    Everything that is, except my stored procedures. They're giving me

    1. When I use the stored procedure sp_FacilityAnalysis called as an odbc
    passthrough query def from vb, I get errors. I try running the sp by itself
    passing parameters, and I can only get the SELECT portion to function if
    I precede it with a SET ANSI_DEFAULTS OFF. But even then, my INSERT
    command fails. It says it completes, but nothing ends up populated in the

    2. When I try to take an existing script that worked in 6.5 such as billing_update.sql
    and feed that into a new stored procedure, I get all kinds of errors related to the
    local temp table #inv_sum. In one case, it tells me there is already a table object by
    that name. In another case, it tells me #inv_num is an invalid object.

    Any ideas? I've been scouring the documentation online and MSDN for days regarding
    backward compatability, and though I've learned a lot, I haven't found the secret to keeping
    some of my old 6.5 stored procedures and scripts without having to start fresh through the
    7.0 wizard. Any help would be, per usual, appreciated.

  2. #2
    Mike John Guest

    Stored Procedure from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0 (reply)

    Can you post some code, error message details and ddl of the tables being used to give us a fighting chance?

    Mike John

    KnowledgePool Ltd

    John Bernbrock at 5/23/00 6:32:21 PM

    We recently upgraded from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0. I attended classes
    and we all prepared a lot, and everything went smoothly.

    Everything that is, except my stored procedures. They're giving me

    1. When I use the stored procedure sp_FacilityAnalysis called as an odbc
    passthrough query def from vb, I get errors. I try running the sp by itself
    passing parameters, and I can only get the SELECT portion to function if
    I precede it with a SET ANSI_DEFAULTS OFF. But even then, my INSERT
    command fails. It says it completes, but nothing ends up populated in the

    2. When I try to take an existing script that worked in 6.5 such as billing_update.sql
    and feed that into a new stored procedure, I get all kinds of errors related to the
    local temp table #inv_sum. In one case, it tells me there is already a table object by
    that name. In another case, it tells me #inv_num is an invalid object.

    Any ideas? I've been scouring the documentation online and MSDN for days regarding
    backward compatability, and though I've learned a lot, I haven't found the secret to keeping
    some of my old 6.5 stored procedures and scripts without having to start fresh through the
    7.0 wizard. Any help would be, per usual, appreciated.

  3. #3
    John Bernbrock Guest

    Stored Procedure from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0 (reply) is one that's giving me fits. I'm guessing that it has something
    to do with the sp_dpoptions settings (maybe ansi defaults?) Nonetheless, on
    the first INSERT...SELECT sequence right off the bat, it populates 0 rows
    into the table facility_analysis_fac. The data is there if I run that same
    portion of code through the query optimizer with SET ANSI_DEFAULTS OFF...but
    when I embed it in the sp, it still fails. It's rather I'll just send up to a point for what it's it is... Thanks again for any help.

    /****** Object: Stored Procedure dbo.sp_FacilityAnalysis Script Date: 05/12/2000 11:11:38 PM ******/
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FacilityAnalysis

    @Universal varchar(255) = "",
    @DateRange varchar(255) = "",
    @FromDate datetime,
    @ToDate datetime,
    @ReportFromDate datetime,
    @ReportToDate datetime

    DECLARE @msg varchar(255),
    @sql varchar(255),
    @sql2 varchar(255),
    @sql3 varchar(255),
    @sql4 varchar(255),
    @sql5 varchar(255),
    @TempEarned money


    IF (object_id('tempdb..#mytemp&#39 is not null)
    drop table #mytemp

    PRINT 'Input Parameters:'
    SELECT @msg = 'Universal: ' + @Universal
    PRINT @msg
    SELECT @msg = 'DateRange: ' + @DateRange
    PRINT @msg
    SELECT @msg = 'FromDate: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @FromDate)
    PRINT @msg
    SELECT @msg = 'ToDate: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @ToDate)
    PRINT @msg
    SELECT @msg = 'ReportFromDate: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @ReportFromDate)
    PRINT @msg
    SELECT @msg = 'ReportToDate: ' + CONVERT(varchar, @ReportToDate)
    PRINT @msg
    PRINT ' '

    Select subset of facility data

    SELECT @sql = "INSERT facility_analysis_fac (
    facility_key, division, status, inception_date,
    expiration_date, cancellation_date, short_name) "

    SELECT @sql2 = "SELECT facility_key, division, status, inception_date,
    expiration_date, cancellation_date, short_name
    FROM facility WHERE "

    IF @Universal <> &#34;&#34;

    IF @DateRange <> &#34;&#34;
    SELECT @sql3 = @DateRange + &#34; AND &#34;
    SELECT @sql4 = @Universal
    SELECT @sql5 = &#34; AND ((short_name) NOT LIKE &#39;%C-F%&#39&#34;
    SELECT @sql3 = @Universal
    SELECT @sql4 = &#34; AND ((short_name) NOT LIKE &#39;%C-F%&#39&#34;
    SELECT @sql5 = &#34;&#34;
    SELECT @sql3 = &#34;((short_name) NOT LIKE &#39;%C-F%&#39&#34;

    SELECT @sql4 = &#34;&#34;
    SELECT @sql5 = &#34;&#34;

    PRINT @sql
    PRINT @sql2

    PRINT @sql3
    PRINT @sql4
    PRINT @sql5

    DELETE facility_analysis_fac

    EXEC(@sql + @sql2 + @sql3 + @sql4 + @sql5)

    select @msg = &#34;Results for facility_analysis_fac&#34;
    print @msg
    select * from facility_analysis_fac

    Execute SQL statement to join facility_analysis_fac and endorsement

    inserts data into fac_1A

    Mike John at 5/24/00 6:18:35 AM

    Can you post some code, error message details and ddl of the tables being used to give us a fighting chance?

    Mike John

    KnowledgePool Ltd

    John Bernbrock at 5/23/00 6:32:21 PM

    We recently upgraded from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0. I attended classes
    and we all prepared a lot, and everything went smoothly.

    Everything that is, except my stored procedures. They&#39;re giving me

    1. When I use the stored procedure sp_FacilityAnalysis called as an odbc
    passthrough query def from vb, I get errors. I try running the sp by itself
    passing parameters, and I can only get the SELECT portion to function if
    I precede it with a SET ANSI_DEFAULTS OFF. But even then, my INSERT
    command fails. It says it completes, but nothing ends up populated in the

    2. When I try to take an existing script that worked in 6.5 such as billing_update.sql
    and feed that into a new stored procedure, I get all kinds of errors related to the
    local temp table #inv_sum. In one case, it tells me there is already a table object by
    that name. In another case, it tells me #inv_num is an invalid object.

    Any ideas? I&#39;ve been scouring the documentation online and MSDN for days regarding
    backward compatability, and though I&#39;ve learned a lot, I haven&#39;t found the secret to keeping
    some of my old 6.5 stored procedures and scripts without having to start fresh through the
    7.0 wizard. Any help would be, per usual, appreciated.

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