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Thread: creating sql strings in stored procs

  1. #1
    barney Guest

    creating sql strings in stored procs

    Hi Guys,

    I have written a piece of code in a stored procedure that builds a string called "filter$" based on fielde in a table.
    How do I use this string as my where clause?

    in vb I would use: filter$,cn

    I hope this makes sense and someone can help me

  2. #2
    Zoey Guest

    creating sql strings in stored procs (reply)

    if I understand your question right, you are creating a dynamic where clause and then want to execute it.
    I am assuming your where clause looks something like this
    SET @SQLWHERE = " WHERE column1 = " + @Value1

    SET @SQLFinalString = " SELECT * fROM table1 " + @SQLWHERE

    exec sp_executesql(@SQLFinalString)
    hope this helps

    barney at 7/31/01 12:37:35 PM

    Hi Guys,

    I have written a piece of code in a stored procedure that builds a string called "filter$" based on fielde in a table.
    How do I use this string as my where clause?

    in vb I would use: filter$,cn

    I hope this makes sense and someone can help me

  3. #3
    barney Guest


    Thankyou Zoey, that's exactly what I needed!

    Zoey at 7/31/01 5:37:50 PM

    if I understand your question right, you are creating a dynamic where clause and then want to execute it.
    I am assuming your where clause looks something like this
    SET @SQLWHERE = " WHERE column1 = " + @Value1

    SET @SQLFinalString = " SELECT * fROM table1 " + @SQLWHERE

    exec sp_executesql(@SQLFinalString)
    hope this helps


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