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Thread: Sort Order On Insert

  1. #1
    Pargat Bhatti Guest

    Sort Order On Insert

    Are there any techniques I can use to specify the sort order on an insert statement.

    I want to insert data from tableA to tableB in a certain order .

    I know I can do it with a cursor, but I'm sure theres a better way


  2. #2
    phil mc Guest

    Sort Order On Insert (reply)

    You could use the Order by in your select, or is it something more complex.

    Insert into Table B
    Seletc from Table A order by col1, col2, col3 etc...

    Pargat Bhatti at 6/22/01 5:44:15 AM

    Are there any techniques I can use to specify the sort order on an insert statement.

    I want to insert data from tableA to tableB in a certain order .

    I know I can do it with a cursor, but I'm sure theres a better way


  3. #3
    Pargat Bhatti Guest

    Sort Order On Insert (reply)

    It was slightly more complicated. You can't just use an insert with an order clause.
    I had to use a derived table with top n statement. The derived table uses the order by clause, and ensures the data is inserted correctly.
    If anyones interested I'll give them the code

    Pargat Bhatti at 6/22/01 5:44:15 AM

    Are there any techniques I can use to specify the sort order on an insert statement.

    I want to insert data from tableA to tableB in a certain order .

    I know I can do it with a cursor, but I'm sure theres a better way


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