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Thread: procedure compile lock help

  1. #1
    Saul Guest

    procedure compile lock help

    I have one procedure that gets executed many times per day(thousands at least). I consistently get blocking in my database, as users compile this stored procedure. How can I keep this from recompiling all the time, and bogging down my database? I tried the keep plan option in the portion of the code that uses tembdb, and that doesn't work. thanks.

  2. #2
    mjt Guest

    procedure compile lock help (reply)

    Is it compiled with WITH RECOMPILE option? Try taking that off.


    Saul at 3/26/01 4:11:03 PM

    I have one procedure that gets executed many times per day(thousands at least). I consistently get blocking in my database, as users compile this stored procedure. How can I keep this from recompiling all the time, and bogging down my database? I tried the keep plan option in the portion of the code that uses tembdb, and that doesn't work. thanks.

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