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Thread: 'enter' character.

  1. #1
    sa Guest

    'enter' character.

    How do I replcae an 'enter' character with a space in a field? This extra spaces entered in the web form while populating the field is causing extra spaces in the field. What is the ASCII value for the 'enter' character? so that we can replace that with a space?

  2. #2
    Markus Guest

    'enter' character. (reply)

    Replace(Char(13),' ' )

    It could also be char(10) One of them is ENTER the other is Linefeed. Just test what works best for you.

    sa at 8/8/2002 3:31:17 PM

    How do I replcae an 'enter' character with a space in a field? This extra spaces entered in the web form while populating the field is causing extra spaces in the field. What is the ASCII value for the 'enter' character? so that we can replace that with a space?

  3. #3
    sa Guest

    'enter' character. (reply)

    I will test..THANKS!!Markus.

    Markus at 8/9/2002 3:16:39 AM

    Replace(Char(13),' ' )

    It could also be char(10) One of them is ENTER the other is Linefeed. Just test what works best for you.

    sa at 8/8/2002 3:31:17 PM

    How do I replcae an 'enter' character with a space in a field? This extra spaces entered in the web form while populating the field is causing extra spaces in the field. What is the ASCII value for the 'enter' character? so that we can replace that with a space?

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