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Thread: SQL Security

  1. #1
    AR Guest

    SQL Security

    when u run a job using sql agent, say like a backup job, which security account does SQL use to run the job ?
    also how does it differ if you execute the same job from
    the command prompt or query analyzer ?


  2. #2
    Ray Miao Guest

    SQL Security (reply)

    Depends on job owner. For sa or member of sysadmin, use sqlagent service account. All others, use local SQLAgentCmdExec account. If run from command prompt or query analyzer, depends on nt or sql login.

    AR at 5/6/2002 1:13:16 PM

    when u run a job using sql agent, say like a backup job, which security account does SQL use to run the job ?
    also how does it differ if you execute the same job from
    the command prompt or query analyzer ?


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