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Thread: backup question

  1. #1
    tao jiang Guest

    backup question

    Hi. This is a simple question. I need to backup a database and keep the dump for three days, say I need backup.1, backup.2, and backup.3. How do you setup a NT job to do that? I wrote a UNIX shell script to handle this before, but I am new to NT.

  2. #2
    Craig Guest

    backup question (reply)

    Setup a maint. plan in SQL 7.0, don't do it from NT.....

    tao jiang at 2/22/01 11:34:02 AM

    Hi. This is a simple question. I need to backup a database and keep the dump for three days, say I need backup.1, backup.2, and backup.3. How do you setup a NT job to do that? I wrote a UNIX shell script to handle this before, but I am new to NT.

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