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Thread: _ in NT UserName. Looking for Janne Hakulinen

  1. #1
    Ali MAlekshahi Guest

    _ in NT UserName. Looking for Janne Hakulinen

    I want to establish logging using NT Security. The problem is that user names in NT have underscore(_). When I establish NT Scurity in SQL security manager, SQL Server tries to add blank names as login id and they will not go through. Is it manadatory to remove underscore from username?

    Because of structrual hierarchy, I have different groups in NT to be mapped to SQL Server groups and each group has different permission on SQL tables. In some cases we might have same users in more than one group. I read that it is not possible if you use NT integrated security. Is there any thing that can be worked around this and is this problem still exists in SQL 7.

    Janne Hakulinen gave me a reply (Appreciate that) but when I did as he said, I got no success. So I am asking him to reply me at and let me send him an e-mail.

    Thank you in advance
    Ali Malekshahi

  2. #2
    patrick.fediere Guest

    _ in NT UserName. Looking for Janne Hakulinen (reply)

    The first issue sounds relevant of the mapping options given in the configure panel of Ent. Mgr.
    .On the second, what do you mean by SQL Server groups.
    You could define in the User Logins something like profiles(like groups) and with proc.(s) you could 'alias' user to the profile. Because you have granted/revoked at the profile level the user inheritate the rights and limitations.
    This works in 6.5

    On 1/11/99 9:27:03 AM, Ali MAlekshahi wrote:
    > I want to establish logging using NT Security. The problem is that user
    > names in NT have underscore(_). When I establish NT Scurity in SQL security
    > manager, SQL Server tries to add blank names as login id and they will not
    > go through. Is it manadatory to remove underscore from username?

    > of structrual hierarchy, I have different groups in NT to be mapped to SQL
    > Server groups and each group has different permission on SQL tables. In
    > some cases we might have same users in more than one group. I read that it
    > is not possible if you use NT integrated security. Is there any thing that
    > can be worked around this and is this problem still exists in SQL
    > 7.

    Janne Hakulinen gave me a reply (Appreciate that) but when I did as
    > he said, I got no success. So I am asking him to reply me at
    > and let me send him an e-mail.

    Thank you in advance
    Ali Malekshahi

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