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Thread: Python

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Question Python


    Has any one using Python with MySQL for web development? I here a lot of people use PHP with MySQL for web development and would like to know if there is a good reason why they chose not to use Python.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Cincinnati, OH

    Python is a general purpose scripting language, while PHP is mainly aimed to web development.

    You can use either for web development, but PHP is made striclty for web applications. Also, there are great resources for PHP (i.e.,

    Last edited by ccalender; 03-03-2004 at 05:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Cape Town, South Africa
    There are two reasons for choosing PHP. The first is that it is easier to find PHP programmers to support your product, and the second is that there is lots more existing PHP code, products and support available on the web, which could ease your development.

    Python's main advantage is that its object model is much more developed than PHP's, so if you're planning a fairly large scale project using object-orientated code, Python usually gives developers less headaches.

    Both are fine and have been used successfully in many projects, large and small, so investigate thoroughly what you want to do, make a decision, and then stick with it. Don't be swayed by people telling you the alternative is 'better' just because it's what they use.

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