i understood what u r saying but if u press TAB & then Enter Key then why highlighted selected text will be deleted? any logic?
ENTERKEY is for confirming current text & for going to Next Text Box(column), it's not MS-Word, I checked it's only jumping to next column without erasing the value of previous column. Apart from this after pressing SAVE(from FORM) button it's never displaying ERROR on 'AplCatCd' column. U R not getting my point, before n after pressing SAVE(from FORM) button values exist in each/every column (feeded by user) never erasing.

now i checked carefully actually afName, asName,atName,afmlyName, fName, sName,tName,fmlyName are name columns, first 4 are in Arabic and rests are in English, if users feed (or select from LOV) in Arabic(e.g. in afName) automatically corresponding English name will be in related column(e.g. in fName) and vice-v......... feeding all after pressing SAVE(from FORM) button displaying Error "value can not be null/empty" in 'fName' column but still value is there.......

....no error when using SAVE from menu Bar....

now find solution if u can

thanks & regard