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Thread: Sql Executive Jobs

  1. #1
    Hitesh Patel Guest

    Sql Executive Jobs


    I have registered a Sql server on my local machine.

    I can adddelete jobs to the Task Scheduler, view job histories etc on
    that server however, when I try to execute a job on that server using the Task Scheduler, I get the following error message:

    &#34;The sqlexecutive servive is currently not running on server <server name>. This prevents the task from running&#34;.

    I have checked the SqlExecutive service on the server and it is running.
    I have jobs that get executed each night via the Task Scheduler

    Does anyone have any idea of what the problem could be ?


  2. #2

    Sql Executive Jobs (reply)

    Are you connected as &#39;sa&#39; or via some other login ?
    How are you registering ther server, withits true hostname or IP address ?


    Hitesh Patel at 3/19/01 9:18:17 AM


    I have registered a Sql server on my local machine.

    I can adddelete jobs to the Task Scheduler, view job histories etc on
    that server however, when I try to execute a job on that server using the Task Scheduler, I get the following error message:

    &#34;The sqlexecutive servive is currently not running on server <server name>. This prevents the task from running&#34;.

    I have checked the SqlExecutive service on the server and it is running.
    I have jobs that get executed each night via the Task Scheduler

    Does anyone have any idea of what the problem could be ?


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