I tried to run your query.But it seems doesnt match what pml's requirement.

I didnt fully understand what plm want.Though he may not see this new update,I still like to share with everybody.

Only today I came to know the real meaning of plm's thread.

P/O Barcode Ctn/Qty
ADCD 374777579 100
ABCD 374777581 50
DEFG 374777579 200
DEFG 374777581 150

We need to have a new table which will return something like this

P/O Barcode Ctn/Qty IdPlate
ADCD 374777579 100 0000001
ADCD 374777579 100 0000002
ADCD 374777579 100 0000003
ADCD 374777579 100 0000100
ABCD 374777581 50 0000001
ABCD 374777581 50 0000002
ABCD 374777581 50 0000050
DEFG 374777579 200 0000001
DEFG 374777579 200 0000200

The following is the updated codes:

1.create table table2
([P/O] varchar(4),Barcode int,[Ctn/Qty] int ,idplate varchar(20))

2.Using cursor to insert values into table2

declare @po varchar(4)
declare @ba int
declare @ct int
declare @string varchar(500)
declare @id int
declare @idplate varchar(7)

declare cursor1 cursor for select [p/o],Barcode,[Ctn/Qty] from table1
open cursor1
fetch next from cursor1 into @po,@ba,@ct
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @id = 1
while @id <=@ct
set @idplate = replicate('0',7-len(@id))+convert(varchar,@id)
set @string = "insert into table2 select '"+@po+"',"+convert(varchar,@ba)+","+
convert(varchar,@ct)+",'"+convert(varchar,@idplate )+"'"
exec (@string)
set @id = @id+1
fetch next from cursor1 into @po,@ba,@ct

close cursor1
deallocate cursor1