I am trying to use the SuperUpload and the form collection part of it is not working. The error is:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0005)
Invalid procedure call or argument
/test/contact_script.asp, line 11

Here is the code:

dim r
set r = Server.CreateObject("SuperUpload.UploadRequest")
r.Path = Server.MapPath("/test")

UserName = r.form("username").value 'Line 11
EmailAddy = r.form("emailaddy").value

for each file in r.Files
lastfilename = file.clientfilename
if lastfilename <> "" then
'response.write "<b>Working on:</b> " & lastfilename & "<P>"
result = file.Save
'response.write "<b>Uploaded:</b> " & result & "<P>"
end if

Any help would be greatly appretiated.