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Thread: No button graphics showing...

  1. #1
    Bart Snell Guest

    No button graphics showing...


    First off, I'm a complete novice with ASP-db Pro, so I'm probably asking a stupid question, but I still have to ask...

    I have a test db that seems to run OK, however none of the graphics for any of the buttons display properly. Do I need to download a zip-file with all of these elements or is it something that I'm doing wrong?


  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    No button graphics showing... (reply)

    Be sure that dbImgeDir points to the folder where your button images reside. It sounds like maybe you just don't have those images at all(?) If that is the case, just grab them from:

    Bart Snell at 12/11/00 4:46:18 PM


    First off, I'm a complete novice with ASP-db Pro, so I'm probably asking a stupid question, but I still have to ask...

    I have a test db that seems to run OK, however none of the graphics for any of the buttons display properly. Do I need to download a zip-file with all of these elements or is it something that I'm doing wrong?


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