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Thread: Problems Downloading (Continued)

  1. #1
    Brad Willetts Guest

    Problems Downloading (Continued)

    Re my earlier posting regarding a problem downloading, see content below, Franks reply of 'Fixed....' requires clarification.

    Do you mean there was a bug and that it has been fixed in the current version under development. If so, when will this version be available.


    There was a coding bug in my code that I can fix myself.

    Date: Problems Downloading (reply)
    Frank ()
    11/18/99 4:20:40 PM



    Brad Willetts at 11/18/99 8:01:36 AM

    Can you please help with the following two problems concerning the use/operation of the download facility.

    Having recently purchased an upgrade to the latest EP verion 2.2127A, we are currently performing some comfort tests before releasing all our code to work under the latest version.

    We have a page which extracts approximately 2400 records from the database and displays these in a grid format with navigation buttons for next, prev, download etc.

    Problem One

    When running the page using the old version of EP 2.1623EP, it is possible to navigate up and down through the records. Clicking the download button at any time will result in the whole recordset being correctly downloaded for viewing in Excel etc.

    If the same page is run using the latest version 2.2127A. Clicking the download button will only download the records from where you are in the recordset to the end.

    EG If you are positioned at the 2300th record of 2400 recs and click download. Only 100 records will be downloaded.

    Problem Two

    An additional problem which is not an issue with the old version is that the download also downloads the page position information which is displayed at the bottom of the grid

    EG <CENTER><font size=-1 color=Black>[1 - 5 : 2480]</font></CENTER><BR>

    This gives problems when attempting to foemat column widths, sort etc.

    Code For Above Page

    Set stockDB = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.EP&#34
    stockDB.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=btints32mic; UID=DBC; PWD=dbc&#34;
    stockDB.dbGridTableTag=&#34;BORDER=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width=130%&#34; &#39;Define table for grid mode
    &#39; stockDB.dbGridHideDuprecFlds=&#34;Stk_Cat_Code,Stk _Cat_Name&#34;
    stockDB.dbNavigationItem=&#34;formcol,grid,color,t op,prev,next,bottom,download&#34;
    stockDB.dbCSVName = &#34;4070_out_of_hours_site_list.csv&#34;
    stockDB.dbColor=&#34;FFFFFF,003366,FFFFFF,339999&# 34;
    stockDB.dbOptions=&#34;CellFontTag=Size=1;HeaderFo ntTag=Size=1&#34;
    &#39;stockDB.dbFilterParams=&#34;EasyTextPrefix=tr ue;UseRSFilter=false;EasyFilterText=true&#34;

    stockDB.dbNameMap=&#34;0, BUN Code,WIDTH=5%,,;1, Outlet Name,WIDTH=30%,,;2, LHM Name,WIDTH=12%,,;3, D&GM Name,WIDTH=12%,,;4, RBM Name,WIDTH=12%,,;5, Address,WIDTH=44%,,;6, Tel No,WIDTH=15%,,;&#34;
    stockDB.dbMagicCell=&#34;0,align=left;1,align=left ;2,align=left;3,align=left;4,align=left;5,align=le ft;6,align=left;&#34;

    stockDB.dbSQL = sSQL
    stockDB.dbCountSQL = sCountSQL


  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    Problems Downloading (Continued) (reply)

    Hi Brad,

    Sorry about the confusion. Yes, FK & Assocaites has fixed the problem and
    has released that fix to Major Micro Systems for distribution as of this
    morning. I&#39;ll get that new version out to you today.
    I need the following information from YOU:
    * What company are you with?
    * When (approx) did you purchase ASP-db?
    * What is your email address?
    * What is your phone number in case we need to talk.

    You can email that info to me. That will work the best for me.


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