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Thread: timestamp help!

  1. #1
    Scott Guest

    timestamp help!

    I cannot get the timestamp to work for updating a record. I would like to simply show the last updated date for a record. All I have in my code is in dbEditFlds=0,1,.....10[TimeStamp(mm/dd/yyyy)]. This only shows a timestamp for adding new records. Do I need more?
    Also, I was told that this question is talked about on the "News" and "Patches" sections at, but I could not find them. Your help on completing this task would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    timestamp help! (reply)

    I looked at your problem and went to the Designer and takes less 30 seconds to generate the following test code to see whether timestamp() works in "Add" and "Update" and it does. If I could do that why aren't you guys doing it. You have the same Designer as I do. Also note that timestamp means it stamps the record inthe edit action. I do not believe you can see the "last" value unless you control the property to mask out the default timestamp() under different conditions.

    Set X= Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASP.DB&#34
    X.dbUnit = &#34;999&#34;
    X.dbMode = &#34;Grid&#34;
    X.dbEditFlds = &#34;(;,[]|~)OrderID,CustomerID,EmployeeID,OrderDate,Require dDate,ShippedDate[timestamp()|timestamp()|||1~~3~~~~0]&#34;
    X.dbEditParams = &#34;(;,)TableName=Orders, BookMarkFlds=OrderID&#34;
    X.dbEditUpdateROFlds = &#34;OrderID&#34;
    X.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=NWIND&#34;
    X.dbNavigationItem = &#34;Top,Prev,Next,Bottom,GridRow,Reload,Edit,Upda te,Delete,Add&#34;
    X.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT OrderID,CustomerID,EmployeeID,OrderDate,RequiredDa te,ShippedDate FROM Orders&#34;

    Scott at 8/14/01 1:29:29 PM

    I cannot get the timestamp to work for updating a record. I would like to simply show the last updated date for a record. All I have in my code is in dbEditFlds=0,1,.....10[TimeStamp(mm/dd/yyyy)]. This only shows a timestamp for adding new records. Do I need more?
    Also, I was told that this question is talked about on the &#34;News&#34; and &#34;Patches&#34; sections at, but I could not find them. Your help on completing this task would be appreciated.

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