look at examle E17 on the site's examples page. The following make up the edit icon column ->

X.dbEditParams = "(;,)TableName=Employees,BookMarkFlds=0,EditVa lidateName=PreventDel()," &_
"UpdateIcon=True,DeleteIcon=True,EditIconsLayo ut=Left"

Are you saying that there is a wasted cell there at the column heading of this icon row and you would like to put an image there and HREF that yourself ?

Steve Diamond at 8/9/01 8:35:49 PM

Does anyone know a way to specify a column heading for the grid column that contains the Edit Icons? I don't much like the look of the blank column heading that you get by default.

Yes, I know it's possible to do this manually. You can turn off the Edit Icons, specify a dummy column in the SQL (using the name you want for the column heading), and then use MagicCell on that column to display the icon images and construct the correct URLs for their links. I use this method with a Javascript function when I want to pop up a separate window for editing a child table. But it's a lot of work for a simple result when the default icon behavior is what I want and I'm just missing the column heading.

If there isn't a way, can you add this to the wish list, Frank, please?


Steve Diamond