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Thread: followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado

  1. #1
    jimpresley Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39'
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  2. #2
    John Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  3. #3
    jim presley Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    I&#39;ve tried either way, same error. Tests were from the simple examples.
    Is there something with that needs set up that I don&#39;t know about?


    John at 9/16/2002 1:56:26 AM

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  4. #4
    jim presley Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    Okay, I re-installed Tornado. It&#39;s now communicating with the SQL server
    however unable to connect to catalog comes up, I&#39;m getting closer

    jim presley at 9/17/2002 3:41:12 PM

    I&#39;ve tried either way, same error. Tests were from the simple examples.
    Is there something with that needs set up that I don&#39;t know about?


    John at 9/16/2002 1:56:26 AM

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  5. #5
    John Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    Hi Jim,

    So it&#39;s communicating with SQL but not connecting to the catalog? Is it a permissions thing?

    Also, is it successfully reading a Northwind Access database or test database? Does the TornadoInfo.aspx work properly?


    jim presley at 9/18/2002 10:05:03 AM

    Okay, I re-installed Tornado. It&#39;s now communicating with the SQL server
    however unable to connect to catalog comes up, I&#39;m getting closer

    jim presley at 9/17/2002 3:41:12 PM

    I&#39;ve tried either way, same error. Tests were from the simple examples.
    Is there something with that needs set up that I don&#39;t know about?


    John at 9/16/2002 1:56:26 AM

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  6. #6
    jim presley Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    TornadoInfo.aspx works perfectly.

    It&#39;s looking at the SQL database and returning that error message. Nothing
    has been changed on permissions of the database, the classic aspdb still works just find via OLDB, using NT user authentication.

    I&#39;m confused, but that&#39;s normal, I&#39;ll keep searching....

    John at 9/18/2002 11:09:42 AM

    Hi Jim,

    So it&#39;s communicating with SQL but not connecting to the catalog? Is it a permissions thing?

    Also, is it successfully reading a Northwind Access database or test database? Does the TornadoInfo.aspx work properly?


    jim presley at 9/18/2002 10:05:03 AM

    Okay, I re-installed Tornado. It&#39;s now communicating with the SQL server
    however unable to connect to catalog comes up, I&#39;m getting closer

    jim presley at 9/17/2002 3:41:12 PM

    I&#39;ve tried either way, same error. Tests were from the simple examples.
    Is there something with that needs set up that I don&#39;t know about?


    John at 9/16/2002 1:56:26 AM

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

  7. #7
    Frank Kwong Guest

    followup on previous message on connect to SQL with tornado (reply)

    try it the easy way first in the following manner.


    leave X.dbProvider blank (use OLEDB) then use dbProvider=&#34;SQL&#34; (use SQLclient after OLEDB works)

    use this on the pubs db and then on your DB.


    jim presley at 9/24/2002 2:15:11 PM

    TornadoInfo.aspx works perfectly.

    It&#39;s looking at the SQL database and returning that error message. Nothing
    has been changed on permissions of the database, the classic aspdb still works just find via OLDB, using NT user authentication.

    I&#39;m confused, but that&#39;s normal, I&#39;ll keep searching....

    John at 9/18/2002 11:09:42 AM

    Hi Jim,

    So it&#39;s communicating with SQL but not connecting to the catalog? Is it a permissions thing?

    Also, is it successfully reading a Northwind Access database or test database? Does the TornadoInfo.aspx work properly?


    jim presley at 9/18/2002 10:05:03 AM

    Okay, I re-installed Tornado. It&#39;s now communicating with the SQL server
    however unable to connect to catalog comes up, I&#39;m getting closer

    jim presley at 9/17/2002 3:41:12 PM

    I&#39;ve tried either way, same error. Tests were from the simple examples.
    Is there something with that needs set up that I don&#39;t know about?


    John at 9/16/2002 1:56:26 AM

    Hi Jim,

    What happens if you forgo the global.asax file completely and just specify your DSN in the dbDSN property? You don&#39;t &#34;HAVE&#34; to use the global file if you don&#39;t want to. It&#39;s just a convenient way to store your DSN&#39;s in application variables so that they&#39;re common across all programs.

    What about the simple examples that don&#39;t use it. Do they work?


    jimpresley at 9/12/2002 5:24:48 PM

    This is a follow on to the previous forum message:

    I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    Here is the standard Global.asax file, taking out only those lines not
    needed by me:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;vhacihfpc15;IT_Data;sa;&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    I&#39;ve compared with your manual for connections and DSN, I&#39;ve looked through this forum for leads.

    My SQL database is located on a SQL Server 2000 (vhacihfpc15) and the database is named IT_Data, username is standard, password is null.

    I&#39;m down to my last hair on this...what am I doing wrong? thanks...

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