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Thread: Excessive Memory Useage

  1. #1
    Rodney Guest

    Excessive Memory Useage

    Hi Gurus

    How are you? Fine I hope.

    We purchased ASPDB Pro from you and have been using it for approx 1 and a half years. There is one application that we use it for which allows us to edit our database online. However, whenever we edit using the page we have designed it causes the entire server to collapse due to excessive memory usage. I had a look on your forum and it appears that several other people have this problem.We use an SQL7 database hosted on an NT server if this helps.

    Would it be possible for you quickly browse through our script to see if it is an error on our part? If you could this would be great.

    If you have any ideas what my be causing the page to use so much memory that the server has to be reset each time, this would be great.

    Any help or advice would you could give superb!

    Best Regards

    Rod Joseph
    (Your friends in the UK)

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Excessive Memory Useage (reply)

    Hi Rod,

    Let me suggest two ways to proceed here:

    1) Download the latest DLL (eval version if you're not under maintenance) and install it. See if the problem goes away.

    2) Strip your program down to a dozen lines or less and we can look at it. For basic editing of a table, it only needs to have: dbMode="dual", dbEditFlds filled out, and dbNavigationItems. Shouldn't be over 10 lines.

    Let us know what you find out.


    Rodney at 4/12/2002 6:32:26 AM

    Hi Gurus

    How are you? Fine I hope.

    We purchased ASPDB Pro from you and have been using it for approx 1 and a half years. There is one application that we use it for which allows us to edit our database online. However, whenever we edit using the page we have designed it causes the entire server to collapse due to excessive memory usage. I had a look on your forum and it appears that several other people have this problem.We use an SQL7 database hosted on an NT server if this helps.

    Would it be possible for you quickly browse through our script to see if it is an error on our part? If you could this would be great.

    If you have any ideas what my be causing the page to use so much memory that the server has to be reset each time, this would be great.

    Any help or advice would you could give superb!

    Best Regards

    Rod Joseph
    (Your friends in the UK)

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