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Thread: Help with large table

  1. #1
    indra Guest

    Help with large table

    We have an application to allow users to select up to 50 columns to display. There may be 1000 rows of data. I can use dbGridInc to set the number rows per page.

    Is there a similar aspdb property similar to dbGridInc to set number of columns per page?
    We need to have a way to let user set the number of rows and columns per page so that they can print the result. Currently they print they get only the first 6 or 7 columns of grid. The rest of the columns are off the page and cannot be printed.

    Please help. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    Help with large table (reply)

    Hi Indra,
    There is no specific function in ASP-db that allows you to choose columns on-the-fly, but it can be done. This example might help ...
    (Example 3)


    indra at 2/21/2002 2:32:21 PM

    We have an application to allow users to select up to 50 columns to display. There may be 1000 rows of data. I can use dbGridInc to set the number rows per page.

    Is there a similar aspdb property similar to dbGridInc to set number of columns per page?
    We need to have a way to let user set the number of rows and columns per page so that they can print the result. Currently they print they get only the first 6 or 7 columns of grid. The rest of the columns are off the page and cannot be printed.

    Please help. Thank you.

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