I'm having a huge problem I can't solve. I hope some of u got the answer to my "riddle".

I'm trying to link from a template-file to a ms-access-database. The reason for that is, that I want to generate a flash-file with the template. The template looks somewhat like that:

NAME "bildertest"

SET dbim "'1'"
SET dbph DBQ "select image from bildertest where id=" + $dbim

DEFINE IMAGE "im" -quality 100 -size 745,504 $dbph

There should be nothing wrong with that, at least not in my opinion. The database it self looks like that:

ID-------images--------------- comment
1 -------c:imagesdlux.png----d-lux

now when running the applet I get the following error-msg. The msg is translated from german, so maybe not correct, but I hope you will get the meaning: The msg is:

[Microsoft][Microsoft access odbc-driver]datatype in criteria-expression invalid

What the heck is wrong with my sql-statement or with my database.

Help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks alot