
I have a what it seems not to be simple question: Why, when running the following piece of code, I get an error:

-------------- BEGINING OD CODE ----------------
select case request.form("accao&#34

case "OK"

set rs = conn.execute("update_tjoke_vote '" & request.form("value&#34 & "'" & request.form("codigo&#34)

case ""

end select


CREATE PROCEDURE update_tjoke_vote
@value int,
@codigo int AS
update tjoke set tjoke.nr_votes = tjoke.nr_votes + 1, tjoke.total_value = tjoke.total_value + @value
where tjoke.codigo = @codigo

--------- END OF CODE -------------

The error I get is:

--------- BEGIN OF ERROR ---------

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

--------- END OF ERROR ------

Please help me. I've cheked the request.form and they come through, so all data is being send....