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Thread: Need urgent help

  1. #1
    ddd Guest

    Need urgent help

    One of my website page run with the following error:

    "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

    SELECT permission denied on object 'Student', database 'stuents', owner 'dbo'. "

    I know the problem is because of the permission setup is not correct. But I don't know how to set up it?

    My server is MS SQL 7.0.

    Thanks for your kind help


  2. #2
    MAK Guest

    Need urgent help (reply)

    whatever login u use on the wesite, give permission as DB_reader for that login on that database. If that login is used to insert and update rows give db_writer access for that database.


    ddd at 5/24/01 2:57:55 PM

    One of my website page run with the following error:

    "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

    SELECT permission denied on object 'Student', database 'stuents', owner 'dbo'. "

    I know the problem is because of the permission setup is not correct. But I don't know how to set up it?

    My server is MS SQL 7.0.

    Thanks for your kind help


  3. #3
    ddd Guest

    Need urgent help (reply)

    Hello MAK,

    I appreciate your prompt and kind help.

    This website is for public use, the original design purpose is that every visitor to this website can view a name list of students.Currently, the permission is set to "public", but I have problem as I have stated. If I change the permission to "DB owner", the public visitor can browse the website,but that is very dangerous as you know.

    So what kind of permission should I set?

    Thanks again for warm-hearted help.


    MAK at 5/24/01 3:18:15 PM

    whatever login u use on the wesite, give permission as DB_reader for that login on that database. If that login is used to insert and update rows give db_writer access for that database.


    ddd at 5/24/01 2:57:55 PM

    One of my website page run with the following error:

    "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

    SELECT permission denied on object 'Student', database 'stuents', owner 'dbo'. "

    I know the problem is because of the permission setup is not correct. But I don't know how to set up it?

    My server is MS SQL 7.0.

    Thanks for your kind help


  4. #4
    MAK Guest

    Need urgent help (reply)

    give that login either dB_datareader + public or run a
    "Grant select" on all the objects. for that login. if u r using
    SP give execute permission on those.


    ddd at 5/24/01 3:26:01 PM

    Hello MAK,

    I appreciate your prompt and kind help.

    This website is for public use, the original design purpose is that every visitor to this website can view a name list of students.Currently, the permission is set to "public", but I have problem as I have stated. If I change the permission to "DB owner", the public visitor can browse the website,but that is very dangerous as you know.

    So what kind of permission should I set?

    Thanks again for warm-hearted help.


    MAK at 5/24/01 3:18:15 PM

    whatever login u use on the wesite, give permission as DB_reader for that login on that database. If that login is used to insert and update rows give db_writer access for that database.


    ddd at 5/24/01 2:57:55 PM

    One of my website page run with the following error:

    "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

    SELECT permission denied on object 'Student', database 'stuents', owner 'dbo'. "

    I know the problem is because of the permission setup is not correct. But I don't know how to set up it?

    My server is MS SQL 7.0.

    Thanks for your kind help


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