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Thread: Hot to write this SP

  1. #1
    planz Guest

    Hot to write this SP

    Hey all.. Sorry I have never written a SP in my life.
    so this would be a newbie question for sure.
    Using sql server 7.

    Here is my table field setup with sample values all fields are numeric
    except date

    weekending size effic dailycap workdays planutil demand
    5/172002 8 80 85 5 244
    102 142

    A file with source data will be made available in comma delimitted format to
    supply a new weekending value, size and demand.

    What I will need is first the dts to bring that in. then I am assuming a
    stored procedure to be run (this is why I am here)
    to add the data from the comma del. file into the table. If the data EXISTS
    I would want it to UPDATE the values that are in the dest table but run a
    calculation first which would be the planutil minus demand then the result to
    be updated intot the record.
    if the record from the tab del. file does not exisst in the dest table then
    insert it.

    another words the logic i have in mind
    read the data from the temp tample (where the file gets imported into)
    see if the record exists in the live table is it does update it with the calculation of planutil minus demand
    if not create the new record in the live table.
    I need it to compare..

    Someone help me with some code
    i thank you kindly in advance

    p.s. And good books dedicated to stored procedures??

  2. #2
    Shefali Naik Guest

    Hot to write this SP (reply)

    Hi Planz,

    I have one question, How is the uniqueness of the record decided.
    In other words, based on which field(s) do you check if the record already exists.


    planz at 5/9/2002 11:38:09 AM

    Hey all.. Sorry I have never written a SP in my life.
    so this would be a newbie question for sure.
    Using sql server 7.

    Here is my table field setup with sample values all fields are numeric
    except date

    weekending size effic dailycap workdays planutil demand
    5/172002 8 80 85 5 244
    102 142

    A file with source data will be made available in comma delimitted format to
    supply a new weekending value, size and demand.

    What I will need is first the dts to bring that in. then I am assuming a
    stored procedure to be run (this is why I am here)
    to add the data from the comma del. file into the table. If the data EXISTS
    I would want it to UPDATE the values that are in the dest table but run a
    calculation first which would be the planutil minus demand then the result to
    be updated intot the record.
    if the record from the tab del. file does not exisst in the dest table then
    insert it.

    another words the logic i have in mind
    read the data from the temp tample (where the file gets imported into)
    see if the record exists in the live table is it does update it with the calculation of planutil minus demand
    if not create the new record in the live table.
    I need it to compare..

    Someone help me with some code
    i thank you kindly in advance

    p.s. And good books dedicated to stored procedures??

  3. #3
    planz Guest

    Hot to write this SP (reply)

    Hi- sorry about that
    'weekending' and 'size' would be unique

    Shefali Naik at 5/9/2002 1:25:47 PM

    Hi Planz,

    I have one question, How is the uniqueness of the record decided.
    In other words, based on which field(s) do you check if the record already exists.


    planz at 5/9/2002 11:38:09 AM

    Hey all.. Sorry I have never written a SP in my life.
    so this would be a newbie question for sure.
    Using sql server 7.

    Here is my table field setup with sample values all fields are numeric
    except date

    weekending size effic dailycap workdays planutil demand
    5/172002 8 80 85 5 244
    102 142

    A file with source data will be made available in comma delimitted format to
    supply a new weekending value, size and demand.

    What I will need is first the dts to bring that in. then I am assuming a
    stored procedure to be run (this is why I am here)
    to add the data from the comma del. file into the table. If the data EXISTS
    I would want it to UPDATE the values that are in the dest table but run a
    calculation first which would be the planutil minus demand then the result to
    be updated intot the record.
    if the record from the tab del. file does not exisst in the dest table then
    insert it.

    another words the logic i have in mind
    read the data from the temp tample (where the file gets imported into)
    see if the record exists in the live table is it does update it with the calculation of planutil minus demand
    if not create the new record in the live table.
    I need it to compare..

    Someone help me with some code
    i thank you kindly in advance

    p.s. And good books dedicated to stored procedures??

  4. #4
    Shefali Naik Guest

    Hot to write this SP (reply)

    Hi Planz,

    Here's the code.
    The table tmpplans , is the table where you will DTS the source file.
    Please change the table names , procedure name as per what you require.

    create table tmpplans(weekending datetime, ssize int, effic int, dailycap int, workdays int, planutil int, demand int,variance int)
    create table plans (weekending datetime, ssize int, effic int, dailycap int, workdays int, planutil int, demand int,variance int)

    insert into tmpplans values ('5/17/2002', 8, 80, 85, 5, 244,101,142)
    insert into tmpplans values ('5/18/2002', 8, 80, 85, 5, 244,120,142)
    insert into tmpplans values ('5/19/2002', 8, 80, 85, 5, 244,121,142)

    insert into plans values ('5/17/2002', 8, 80, 85, 5, 244,102,142)

    Create procedure P1
    set nocount on
    declare @weekending datetime, @ssize int, @effic int, @dailycap int, @workdays int, @planutil int, @demand int, @variance int, @rowcount int

    declare tmpcur cursor for
    select * from tmpplans

    open tmpcur

    fetch tmpcur into @weekending, @ssize, @effic , @dailycap, @workdays, @planutil, @demand, @variance

    while @@fetch_status = 0
    update plans
    set demand = planutil - @demand
    where weekending = @weekending
    and ssize = @ssize

    select @rowcount = @@rowcount

    if @rowcount = 0
    insert into plans values (@weekending, @ssize, @effic , @dailycap, @workdays, @planutil, @demand, @variance)

    fetch tmpcur into @weekending, @ssize, @effic , @dailycap, @workdays, @planutil, @demand, @variance

    close tmpcur
    deallocate tmpcur

    Hope this helps you.


    planz at 5/9/2002 3:39:08 PM

    Hi- sorry about that
    'weekending' and 'size' would be unique

    Shefali Naik at 5/9/2002 1:25:47 PM

    Hi Planz,

    I have one question, How is the uniqueness of the record decided.
    In other words, based on which field(s) do you check if the record already exists.


    planz at 5/9/2002 11:38:09 AM

    Hey all.. Sorry I have never written a SP in my life.
    so this would be a newbie question for sure.
    Using sql server 7.

    Here is my table field setup with sample values all fields are numeric
    except date

    weekending size effic dailycap workdays planutil demand
    5/172002 8 80 85 5 244
    102 142

    A file with source data will be made available in comma delimitted format to
    supply a new weekending value, size and demand.

    What I will need is first the dts to bring that in. then I am assuming a
    stored procedure to be run (this is why I am here)
    to add the data from the comma del. file into the table. If the data EXISTS
    I would want it to UPDATE the values that are in the dest table but run a
    calculation first which would be the planutil minus demand then the result to
    be updated intot the record.
    if the record from the tab del. file does not exisst in the dest table then
    insert it.

    another words the logic i have in mind
    read the data from the temp tample (where the file gets imported into)
    see if the record exists in the live table is it does update it with the calculation of planutil minus demand
    if not create the new record in the live table.
    I need it to compare..

    Someone help me with some code
    i thank you kindly in advance

    p.s. And good books dedicated to stored procedures??

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