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Thread: SQL Mail and Attachments

  1. #1
    Alex Guest

    SQL Mail and Attachments

    Hey everyone,

    I'm wondering if there is a way to have SQL Mail automatically send an email with an attachment when a
    certain query is complete. Say I want to run a query, and when it's finished, send the results as well as an
    attachment as a report via SQL Mail. Is this possible, and if so, does anyone have any idea where I can find
    information on how to do this?



  2. #2
    Jeroen Guest

    SQL Mail and Attachments (reply)

    It is possible to attach either the results of a query or a file to your email. Check out the books online, search for xp_sendmail.

    Jeroen Meijerink

    On 3/2/99 12:57:21 PM, Alex wrote:
    > Hey everyone,

    I'm wondering if there is a way to have SQL Mail
    > automatically send an email with an attachment when a
    certain query is
    > complete. Say I want to run a query, and when it's finished, send the
    > results as well as an
    attachment as a report via SQL Mail. Is this
    > possible, and if so, does anyone have any idea where I can
    > find
    information on how to do this?



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