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Thread: DB_BLOCK_BUFFER value

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    My oracle 8i database turn on windows 2000Pro with 4Go RAM 1CPU.
    This is my init.ora parameter
    shared_pool_size = 100000000
    log_buffer = 167772160
    sort_area_size = 6553600
    sort_area_retained_size = 2621440
    db_block_size = 8192

    When I set the db_block_buffer to 300000 I received the error message "Out of memory" during startup.

    What are the max value that can set to db_block_buffer on oracle8i database on windows?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    the manual says the range is 4 to an operating system specific maximum and the operating system max is typically 2 to the 22nd minus one. if my calculation is correct that would mean a maximum of 4194303 buffers. Which you are under.

    so an 8K block size that you have * 300000 would equal about 2.2 Gig allocated for your buffers.

    i would take a look at the available memory on your system after you set this to a lower value that works and go from there.

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