I have a grid/form view that is displaying 2 memo fields under the grid. The memo fields are stacked, but I would like to display them side-by-side. Is this possible, and if so, how? I tried exporting the fields and using <% =Session(&#34;ASPdb_n_FieldName&#34 %> but it doesn&#39;t work quite how I would like it to. I guess I&#39;m looking for a &#34;Dual-Vertical&#34; display mode.

X.dbMode = &#34;Dual-Horiz&#34;
X.dbGridDisplayFlds = &#34;Date_a,ticket,closed,userid,techid_a,dialin,t ype&#34;
X.dbFormDisplayFlds = &#34;-1&#34;
X.dbFormMemo = &#34;6x40,problem,solution&#34;