My Access databases has a field named "CallDate"
This field contains a value representing the Date and Time of each record.

AspDb displays "CallDate" as "8/6/98 5:53:20 PM"

What I actually want to do is to create TWO fields
1) Date in a standard date format
2) Time in "Military" time

So "Date" would display: "8/6/98"
and "Date" would display: "17:53:20"

I think this could be done maybe with VBScript and MagicCell?

For example, I am able to display the date from the server using:
<%=Server.HTMLEncode((FormatDateTime(Now(),2)))% >
and the time from the server using:
<%=Server.HTMLEncode((FormatDateTime(Now(),4)))% >

You can what I am trying to do at the URL :
follow the tree to Central_Server:Errors
you will need the following:
login_id: next_gen
password: telco

Look at the "CallDate" field.

Thanks to all who might be able to help.

Stephen Nodvin
TeleVideo Global, Inc.