How do i compare 2 dates without comparing their Time portions. I have a Datetime column in my table which for example has values :-

6/6/2001 7:23:42 PM
6/6/2001 8:01:08 PM and so on....

I have a Stored Procedure in which i am trying to fetch values from this table. The SP has 2 DateTime parameters @DateFrom and @Dateto. This SP is called from a Web page. On the Web Page the user just enters mm/dd/yyyy values for the 2 Date parameters. Therefore the Time portions defaults to 12:00 AM. So when the user passes 6/6/2001 as Date From and 6/6/2001 as Date To values, he doesn't get back the 2 records mentioned above since the Time portion makes the 2 records fall out of the date range.

Is there a way to just do a comparison on the Date portions i.e. give me all the records for 6/6/2001 irrespective of the time. I don't wan't to do individual comparisons for Day then Month and then Year.
