OK, maybe I didn't describe my problem the right way, or I am now making some progress figuring it out by myself...

Here's my need:

I have a table, called attributes, which contains just 3 fields:

userid, attributeid and value

I have records holding data that I want to split and create other records with, using an INSERT statement. Here's an example, from this record :

userid ; attributeid ; value
1 ; 14 ; 2000-11-29

I want to AUTOMATICALLY create these 2 records (in one or 2 queries, I don't mind) :

userid ; attributeid ; value
1 ; 33 ; 11 (or November)
1 ; 34 ; 29

Of course, if I have 100 records with attribute '14' set to a date, I want to be able to create 200 records (with attribute 33/34) in a single or 2 queries at the most.

I am guessing that is feasible in SQL, but I read that 'WHERE' clause cannot be used in an INSERT statement. How can I achieve the same goal ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
