I’m controlling me transactional replication with scripts

Distributor and publisher are on the same box (SQL Server 2005 Enterprise)

I run the following code on publisher box

declare @JobName varchar(1000),
@PublicationName varchar(1000),
@SubscriberName varchar(1000)
select @PublicationName='Publication_Other_Objects',

select @JobName=name from distribution..MSsnapshot_agents where publication=@PublicationName
exec mydb..sp_reinitsubscription
@publication = @PublicationName ,
@subscriber = @SubscriberName,
@invalidate_snapshot =1

exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name=@JobName

and as the result the a new snapshot will be taken and the subscribtion will be re-initialised
I need to find out when the bulk inserts(re-initialise) on subscription is finished, so I can kick off another process.
At the moment the only why for me to find out is to use replication monitor
Is there any dmv that I can use to extract this information.