Hi! I'm very new to mdx and am trying to learn this w/out microsoft analysis services. I'm currently using a product called Pentaho - it uses Mondrian and they expect you to have a prior knowledge of mdx. Anyway, here's my situation.

I have five dimensions, two measures, and a calculated member. The problem I have is that the calculated member is a percentage of net sales. (Net sales is a measure.) I want a user to be able to drill through any of the dimensions and get the correct net sales calculation. I currently have the following:

MEMBER [Measures].[Net Sales %]
AS IIF(ISEMPTY(([Measures].[Net Sales], [Business Type].Parent, [Category].Parent)), 1, [Measures].[Net Sales] / ([Measures].[Net Sales], [Business Type].Parent, [Category].Parent)),

This gives me the correct percentage of net sales but only when the Business Type and Category dimensions are both drilled thru. I want to show if either one is drilled thru w/out having to do both. I've seen the colon used to define a range of members - is there any way to define a range of dimensions? Any help you can provide will be most appreciated. Thanks!