I am currently refreshing the Reporting Server Database from Production database(size 200mb) every night by using backup and restore t-sql as follows:

Restore Database ProjectDB from disk = 'D:\MSSQL\BACKUP\RptBak\ProjectDB.bak'
with move 'ProjectDB_log' to 'd:\Mssql\Data\ProjectDB.ldf',
move 'ProjectDB_data' to 'd:\Mssql\Data\ProjectDB.mdf'

I usually take Transaction Log Backup from Production every hour everyday.

I am planning to apply the transaction log every hour on Distination Server Database.

I am confused whether to use WITH RECOVERY OR WITH NORECOVER while restoring a database and log.

I am getting errors(Msg 4306) when applying the log.

Can anyone help me as to any changes to the above script for restoring full database(every night) and how to restore applying incremental transaction log to the restored database(step by step)?

Appreciat your help.