Can someone please help me.
I have 2 identical tables. I need to transfert the records from 1 to the other. 4 field:
RID autoNumber
datum date/time
SessionID text
session start date/time
I get an error: Date type mismatch in expression:

this is the code:

lv_sqlCmd = "SELECT RID " _
& "FROM tblSession_OUT " _
& "WHERE [datum] = #" & lv_rst_tblSession![datum] & "#" _
& " AND [Session ID] = '" & lv_rst_tblSession![Session ID] & "'" _
& "AND [session start] = #" & lv_rst_tblSession![session start] & "#;"
Debug.Print (lv_sqlCmd)
Set lv_rst_tblSession_OUT = lv_dbs.OpenRecordset(lv_sqlCmd)

Debug gives this result;
SELECT RID FROM tblSession_OUT WHERE [datum] = #05/05/2010# AND [Session ID] = '302071819' AND [session start] = #23:57:05#;

what is wrong here?
