You can go two ways:

- using batch script with scheduling;

- using software with full automation.

Batch script:


    REM Get date in format YYYY-MM-DD (assumes the locale is the United States)
    FOR /F “tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ ” %%A IN (‘Date /T’) DO SET NowDate=%%D-%%B-%%C

    REM Build a list of databases to backup
    SET DBList=%SystemDrive%SQLDBList.txt
    SqlCmd -E -S YourSQLServer -h-1 -W -Q “SET NoCount ON; SELECT Name FROM master.dbo.sysDatabases WHERE [Name] NOT IN (‘master’,'model’,'msdb’,'tempdb’)” > “%DBList%”

    REM Backup each database, prepending the date to the filename
    FOR /F “tokens=*” %%I IN (%DBList%) DO (
    ECHO Backing up database: %%I
    SqlCmd -E -S YourSQLServer -Q “BACKUP DATABASE [%%I] TO Disk=’’”

    REM Clean up the temp file
    IF EXIST “%DBList%” DEL /F /Q “%DBList%”

Then schedule this script and add net use command if it is needed.

Another way is to use ready-to-go solution like backup software. I prefer the cheapest one like Handy Backup, but you may want to use something like Norton or Acronis.